Sticker, St Mark


Location map.

GPS coordinates: (50.317279, -4.836183)

Notes on the church

  1. LMC to St Mewan.
  2. Foundation stone laid on St Mark’s Day, : Royal Cornwall Gazette p 5. Architect JP St Aubyn.
  3. Opened on St Mark’s Day, : Royal Cornwall Gazette p 7, Truro Diocesan Kalendar p 65 (). Heard & Sons, Truro (D/E/3/1, D/E/4/1, TCM/1257/1).
  4. Clark, Basil Fulford Lowther, Church Builders of the Nineteenth Century, , states restoration by GE Street (confusion with his restoration at St Mewan in ?). JB gives JP St Aubyn.
  5. All tinted glass (external survey)

The windows are listed starting from liturgical east and going round clockwise, looking down on the building from above. Insertion dates are given when a window has been replaced.