Pendeen, St John the Baptist


Location map.

GPS coordinates: (50.150115, -5.665239)

Notes on the church

  1. 1851 - designed and built by Revd Robert Aitken (Port, MH, Six Hundred New Churches: The Church Building Commission 1818–1856, p 331. Reading, Spire Books Ltd., )
  2. Opened on All Saints’ Day Royal Cornwall Gazette p 5. All the windows are of coloured glass, with painted centres, many of which are of a very early date … Does this refer to the windows described in 1854 at the consecration?
  3. Opened, West of England Conservative and Plymouth and Devonport Advertiser p 7.
  4. Consecrated Royal Cornwall Gazette p 5.

The windows are listed starting from liturgical east and going round clockwise, looking down on the building from above. Insertion dates are given when a window has been replaced.